javascript - Highcharts add point to line chart with json -
i need add point data mysql database. @ time, data json don't know why in output array, data have double quote(" ") this: ["{name:'chip 3',data:[[moment('2015-05-14 13:26:21','hh:mm:ss').valueof(),29],[moment('2015-05-14 13 :26:51','hh:mm:ss').valueof(),29],[moment('2015-05-14 13:27:21','hh:mm:ss').valueof(),29],[moment('2015-05-14 13:27:51','hh:mm:ss').valueof(),29],[moment('2015-05-14 13:28:21','hh:mm:ss').valueof(),29],[moment('2015-05-14 14:42:54','hh:mm:ss').valueof(),32],]}"] so highcharts can not access data , show data on chart. need remove double quote array or else make highcharts can regconize data. this code in data.php file use , update series data. <?php header("content-type: text/json"); include_once 'include/connection.php'; $db = new db_class(); $query = "select distinct idchip datatable ...