Spring Batch annotation partitioner issue -
i trying create spring batch application using annotation based approach partitioner, triggered quartz scheduler, getting following issues. when job triggered each partition executed sequentially instead of parallelly i.e if have 10 partitions instead of 10 getting triggered/processed process 1 one. when more 1 instance of job(this needed per requirement) gets triggered it's not getting synchronized i.e when 2nd instace started uses 1st instance data , 1st instance stop processing active. following configuration/class files. batchconfiguration.java - @configuration @enablebatchprocessing public class batchconfiguration { @autowired private jobbuilderfactory jobbuilders; @autowired private stepbuilderfactory stepbuilders; @bean @stepscope public jdbccursoritemreader reader(@value("#{stepexecutioncontext[someparam]}") string someparam) { jdbccursoritemreader jdbccursoritemreader = new jdbccursoritemreader(); jdbccursoritemreader.setdatasource(getdat...