mysql - How to cross join a table and use fields from the select statment in the where clause of the cross join -

unfortunately cannot make procedure in case. i'm setting variables in select statement , using them in cross join. count(*) line item 0...

select @p := `purchaseorder`.`po` `po`       ,`purchaseorder`.`customer po`       ,`customer`.`customer`       ,`work_order`.`work order`       ,@l := `work_order`.`line order` `line order`       ,`line item`.`line item` `work_order` left join `purchaseorder`     on `purchaseorder`.`po` = `work_order`.`po` left join `customer`     on `customer`.`rn` = `purchaseorder`.`customer` cross join (select count(*) `line item`             `work_order`             `work_order`.`po` = @p                 , `work_order`.`line order` <= @l             ) `line item` `purchaseorder`.`po` not null order `purchaseorder`.`po`,`work_order`.`line order` 

what doing wrong?

thanks pala_

this works!

select @p := `purchaseorder`.`po` `po`       ,`purchaseorder`.`customer po`       ,`customer`.`customer`       ,`work_order`.`work order`       ,@l := `work_order`.`line order` `line order`       ,(select count(*) `line item`         `work_order`         `work_order`.`po` = @p             , `work_order`.`line order` <= @l         ) `line item` `work_order` left join `purchaseorder`     on `purchaseorder`.`po` = `work_order`.`po` left join `customer`     on `customer`.`rn` = `purchaseorder`.`customer` `purchaseorder`.`po` not null order `purchaseorder`.`po`,`work_order`.`line order` 


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