ruby - RuntimeError when running script? -

so have found ruby script, looks png images in sub folders , folders , converts png images using tinypng api reason runtime error

c:/users/vygantas/desktop/tinypng.rb:14:in `': usage: ./tinypng.rb c:/users/vygantas/desktop/product c:/users/vygantas/desktop/product(runtimeerror)

#!/usr/bin/ruby -w  # # tinypng.rb — placed public domain daniel reese. #  require 'rubygems' require 'json'  # set api key. apikey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"  # verify arguments. argv.length == 2 or fail("usage: ./tinypng.rb c:\users\vygantas\desktop\product c:\users\vygantas\desktop\product*emphasized text*") src = argv[0] dst = argv[1] file.exist?(src) or fail("input folder not exist: " + src) file.exist?(dst) or fail("output folder not exist: " + dst)  # optimize each image in source folder. dir.chdir(src) dir.glob('*.png') |png_file|     puts "\noptimizing #{png_file}"      # optimize , deflate both images.     cmd = "curl -u api:#{apikey} --data-binary @#{png_file} ''"     puts cmd     r = json.parse `#{cmd}`     if r['error']         puts "tinypng error: #{r['message']} (#{r['error']})"         exit(1)     end     url = r['output']['url']     cmd = "curl '#{url}' -o #{dst}/#{png_file}"     puts cmd     `#{cmd}` end dir.chdir("..")  puts 'done' 

as might see in code, line 14 (as printed on script execution):

argv.length == 2 or fail("usage: ./tinypng.rb      c:\...\product c:\...\product*emphasized text*") 

that said, script requires 2 parameters run. let me guess: did not pass 2 parameters. btw source , destination folders.


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