vbscript - How to avoid "permission denied" when copying damaged files? -

i write vbscript copy file e drive c drive. there many system files , damaged files in e drive, when copy these files, script stop. method pass or skip these files when script running?

the code copy folders e drive c drive

const hd = "e:\" const cd = "c:\"  dim path    sub genpath() path = cd   end sub  sub genfolder() set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") objfso.createfolder path  set objfso = nothing  end sub  set fso=wscript.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set fs=fso.getfolder("e:\") set f=fs.subfolders each uu in f              set ws = wscript.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")             ws.copyfolder  uu,path & "\" 

for each uu in f         set ws = wscript.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")        ws.copyfolder hd & uu,path1    end if    next     

becomes set ws = wscript.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")

on error resume next each uu in f         ws.copyfolder uu.path, path1        if err.number <> 0 err.clear  next     

plus unknown reason have end if.

this basics can work on recreate folder structure (this dumps files in 1 folder).

on error resume next set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")  set f = fso.getfolder("c:\users\david candy\desktop") fso.createfolder("c:\users\david candy\test123") folder2 = "c:\users\david candy\test123" each thing in f.subfolders         msgbox thing.path         if err.number <> 0              msgbox err.description             err.clear         end if     each thingy in thing.files         msgbox thingy.path         thingy.copy(folder2 & "\" & thingy.name)         if err.number <> 0              msgbox err.description             err.clear         end if     next next 

only took line , edit on line recreate file structure.

on error resume next set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")  set f = fso.getfolder("c:\users\david candy\desktop") fso.createfolder("c:\users\david candy\test123") folder2 = "c:\users\david candy\test123" set log = fso.createtextfile("c:\logfile.txt")  each thing in f.subfolders     fso.createfolder(folder2 & "\" & thing.name)     if err.number <> 0          log.writeline thing.path & err.description         err.clear     end if     each thingy in thing.files         thingy.copy(folder2 & "\" & thing.name & "\" & thingy.name)         if err.number <> 0              log.writeline thingy.path & err.description              err.clear         end if     next next 


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