android - How to get devices Cell IDs under same BTS? -
i have develop android application has mobile devices info in same telco bts mine phone. can other mobile devices cell ids?
in comments mention requirement 'i have send broadcast neighboring mobile devices'.
there solution built deployed gsm networks - called cell broadcast (or sms-cb).
it intended emergency situations , allows operator send message devices in given cell efficiently , when network congested.
there newer standard embms similar concept designed multimedia broadcast, maybe suitable more commercial applications. not deployed @ moment, afaik.
either way, api's in telco's domain , not available device unless telco has provided special service this.
as others have pointed out, regular android device not have ability discover peers or message in same cell, although telco provide web service device call if wished.
the division between 'phone' part of android phone , 'app or computer' part of device strictly defined in android - intent not protect privacy etc protect phone functionality , network malicious or malfunctioning apps.
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