How to remove a single character from the filename of a list of files in a folder using DOS command? -

i have list of files these: icone1.gif icone2.gif icone1.gif icone11.gif icone12.gif icone13.gif icone14.gif icone15.gif

i want remove 'e' icon1.gif, icon2.gif , on...

i tried dos command prompt:

ren icone*.gif icon*.gif 

didn't work.

create batch file in folder typing "notepad go.bat" @ command prompt , hitting enter , drop in save , exit notepad:

for %%i in ("*.gif") (set fname=%%i) & call :rename goto :eof :rename ::cuts off 1st 5 chars, appends icon , remaining chars ren "%fname%" "icon%fname:~5%" goto :eof 

double click batch file in windows or command prompt type go , press enter


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