webview - Android development adding custom string to useragent -

i'm trying add custom http header webview of android application validate if webview running our app.

when use webview.getsettings shows error message time.

android.webkit.webview not contain defenition getsettings() 

this our code:

using android.app; using android.os; using android.webkit; using android.widget; using android.views;  namespace loadwebpage { [activity(label = "loadwebpage", mainlauncher = true, icon = "@drawable/icon")] public class activity1 : activity {     protected override void oncreate (bundle bundle)     {         base.oncreate (bundle);          setcontentview (resource.layout.main);          webview webview = findviewbyid<webview>(resource.id.localwebview);         webview.setwebviewclient (new webviewclient ());         websettings settings = webview.getsettings();         webview.settings.javascriptenabled = true;          webview.loadurl("http://www.google.nl");           webview.settings.builtinzoomcontrols = false;         webview.settings.setsupportzoom(true);             window.addflags(windowmanagerflags.fullscreen);         window.clearflags(windowmanagerflags.forcenotfullscreen);           };      }  } } 


this solution fixed our problem.

string standard_agent = webview.settings.useragentstring; webview.settings.useragentstring = standard_agent + "newuseragent"; 


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