c# - Comma separated using string.Join with LINQ -

i used string.join in lambda expression form comma seperated values

i achieved using following code:

    var viewdata = queue.select(items => new companyqueuewithseginfo() {  segmentname = string.join(",", items.select(i => i.seginfo.trim()));                                    }).asqueryable()  } 

the output :

ab ,cd 

but need output as

ab, cd 

i tried this:

string.join(" ,",items.select(i => i.segminfo)).replace(",", ", ").replace(" ,","") 

can me this? didn't work.

if seginfo string, how trim them first , then join ", " ?

string.join(", ", items.select(i => i.seginfo.trim())); 

also should check item null or not prevent nre like;

string.join(", ", list.where(s => s != null).select(i => i.trim())) 

or can use isnullorempty others mentioned.


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