lua - Y Velocity is inconsistent moving between 8 and something else? -
i added entity framework code (sorta half done) , after added noticed wrong y velocity of player seems fluctuate between 1 , 0. stumped why has occurred assume it's current physics i've put in not sure happening. code below:
-- btw not code needed aabb work right function iscolliding(a,b) if ((b.x >= a.x + a.width) or (b.x + b.width <= a.x) or (b.y >= a.y + a.height) or (b.y + b.height <= a.y)) return false else return true end end -- 'a' must entity can move -- 'b' can static object -- both need height, width, x , y value function ifcolliding(a, b) if iscolliding(a,b) if a.y + a.height < b.y a.y = b.y - a.height a.yvel = 0 elseif a.y - a.height > b.y - b.height a.y = b.y + b.height a.yvel = 0 end end end
local entitybase = {} lg = -- set health = 100 -- set acceleration entitybase.accel = 3000 -- set y velocity entitybase.yvel = 0.0 -- set x velocity entitybase.xvel = 0.0 -- set y position entitybase.y = 0 -- set x position entitybase.x = 0 -- set height entitybase.height = 64 -- set width entitybase.width = 64 -- set friction entitybase.friction = 0 -- set jump entitybase.jump = 350 -- set mass entitybase.mass = 50 -- set detection radius entitybase.radius = 100 -- sets boolean value if player can jump entitybase.canjump = true -- sets image default entitybase.img = nil ------------------------------------------------ -- physics ensure movement works -- ------------------------------------------------ function entitybase.physics(dt) -- sets x position of entities entitybase.x = entitybase.x + entitybase.xvel * dt -- sets y position of entities entitybase.y = entitybase.y + entitybase.yvel * dt -- sets y velocity of entities entitybase.yvel = entitybase.yvel + (gravity * entitybase.mass) * dt -- sets x velocity of entities entitybase.xvel = entitybase.xvel * (1 - math.min(dt * entitybase.friction, 1)) end -- entity jump feature function entitybase:dojump() -- if entities y velocity = 0 subtract yvel jump value if entitybase.yvel == 0 entitybase.yvel = entitybase.yvel - entitybase.jump end end -- updates jump function entitybase:jumpupdate(dt) if entitybase.yvel ~= 0 entitybase.y = entitybase.y + entitybase.yvel * dt entitybase.yvel = entitybase.yvel - gravity * dt end end function entitybase:update(dt) entitybase:jumpupdate(dt) entitybase.physics(dt) entitybase.move(dt) end return entitybase
sorry chucking in didn't know needed show don't know whats creating problem, have had , looks collisions maybe, not sure. anyway thank want have crack @ problem if needs explaining or understanding i'll try best clear up.
fix timestep , don't use dt physics calcualtions.
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