osx - What is happening to my sprite when using init(rect:inTexture:)? -

i'm writing isometric game using spritekit , swift, , i'm having trouble sprites sheep. have basic ai randomly moves them around, when draws 2 big black horizontal lines instead of sheep. i'm using init(rect:intexture:) take first sub-image of sprite sheet. i'm doing 1 sheep test code. here's code:

// //  animal.swift  //  anointed // //  created jacob jackson on 4/26/15. //  copyright (c) 2015 thinkmac innovations. rights reserved. //  import foundation import spritekit  /* defines animal */ class animal : skspritenode {      let animalname: string   //name     let descript: string   //description     let spritesheetname: string  //image name item icon     var deltat = 0.0     var starttime = 0.0      init( name: string, desc: string, sheetname: string ) {          animalname = name         descript = desc         spritesheetname = sheetname          let texture = sktexture(rect: cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 32, height: 32), intexture: sktexture(imagenamed: spritesheetname)) //make texture animal's initial state         super.init(texture: texture, color: skcolor.clearcolor(), size: texture.size()) //sets tex, bgcolor, , size      }      func updateai( time: cftimeinterval ) {          if starttime == 0.0 {             starttime = time         } else {             deltat = time - starttime         }         if deltat > 2 {             moverandom()             deltat = 0.0             starttime = time         }      }      func moverandom() {          var direction = random() % 4         switch( direction ) {          case 0: moveup()             break         case 1: movert()             break         case 2: movedn()             break         case 3: movelt()             break         default:             break         }      }      func moveup() {          let moveup = skaction.movebyx(0, y: 64, duration: 1.0)         self.runaction(moveup)      }      func movert() {          let movert = skaction.movebyx(32, y: 0, duration: 1.0)         self.runaction(movert)      }      func movelt() {          let movelt = skaction.movebyx(-32, y: 0, duration: 1.0)         self.runaction(movelt)      }      func movedn() {          let movedn = skaction.movebyx(0, y: -64, duration: 1.0)         self.runaction(movedn)      }      /* apple. apparently necessary if i'm inheriting skspritenode */     required init?(coder adecoder: nscoder) {         fatalerror("init(coder:) has not been implemented")     }  } 

then, create 1 sheep test:

var sheep1 = animal(name: "sheep", desc: "a white sheep", sheetname: "whitesheep") var cavestable = location(n:"cave stable", d:"a small stable inside cave, near inn", g:tempgrid, a:[sheep1]) //uses temporary grid defined above "cave stable" location jesus born 

then, place sheep randomly based on array of animals each "location" (like level):

for x in 0...thegame.currentlocation.animals.count-1 {              var animal = thegame.currentlocation.animals[x]             var pos = twodtoiso(cgpoint(x: (random() % (thegame.currentlocation.grid.count-1))*64, y: (random() % (thegame.currentlocation.grid[0].count-1))*64))             animal.position = cgpoint(x: pos.x, y: pos.y + animal.size.height / 2)             world.addchild(animal)          } 

then, in scene code:

override func update(currenttime: cftimeinterval) {         /* called before each frame rendered */          thegame.currentlocation.animals[0].updateai(currenttime) /* other stuff below here */ 

my whitesheep sprite sheet looks this: whitesheep sprite sheet in images.xcassets folder

finally, looks when game running: two black lines instead of sheep

the black lines move randomly, sheep should doing - going on graphics? weirdness. have idea what's going on?

the initialiser rect:intexture: expects unit coordinates (0-1). line of code should be:

let spritesheet = sktexture(imagenamed: spritesheetname) let texture = sktexture(rect: cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 32/spritesheet.size().width, height: 32/spritesheet.size().height), intexture: spritesheet) 


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