xcode - removeobjectAtIndex: causes index to be -1; -
i have nstableview
populated array called tablearray. have button supposed remove selected item array. in removeitem: method:
[tablearray removeobjectatindex:[tableview selectedrow]; [tableview reloaddata];
but error:
2015-05-13 18:16:45.283 fileshedb1.0[979:303] *** -[__nsarraym objectatindex:]: index 18446744073709551615 beyond bounds [0 .. 0] 2015-05-13 18:16:45.288 fileshedb1.0[979:303] ( 0 corefoundation 0x00007fff8d35ff56 __exceptionpreprocess + 198 1 libobjc.a.dylib 0x00007fff93119d5e objc_exception_throw + 43 2 corefoundation 0x00007fff8d2ed392 -[__nsarraym objectatindex:] + 274 3 fileshedb1.0 0x00000001000028a9 -[mpomainwindowcontroller tableviewselectiondidchange:] + 201 4 foundation 0x00007fff8cca0d0e __-[nsnotificationcenter addobserver:selector:name:object:]_block_invoke_1 + 47 5 corefoundation 0x00007fff8d3087ba _cfxnotificationpost + 2634 6 foundation 0x00007fff8cc8cfc3 -[nsnotificationcenter postnotificationname:object:userinfo:] + 65 7 appkit 0x00007fff8ab10049 -[nstableview _sendselectionchangednotificationforrows:columns:] + 203 8 appkit 0x00007fff8aae6b0a -[nstableview _enableselectionpostingandpost] + 425 9 appkit 0x00007fff8aadcd75 -[nstableview _tileandredisplayall] + 358 10 fileshedb1.0 0x00000001000027bc -[mpomainwindowcontroller removefile:] + 188 11 corefoundation 0x00007fff8d34f70d -[nsobject performselector:withobject:] + 61 12 appkit 0x00007fff8aaa98ca -[nsapplication sendaction:to:from:] + 139 13 appkit 0x00007fff8aaa97fe -[nscontrol sendaction:to:] + 88 14 appkit 0x00007fff8aaa9729 -[nscell _sendactionfrom:] + 137 15 appkit 0x00007fff8aaa8bec -[nscell trackmouse:inrect:ofview:untilmouseup:] + 2014 16 appkit 0x00007fff8ab28b74 -[nsbuttoncell trackmouse:inrect:ofview:untilmouseup:] + 489 17 appkit 0x00007fff8aaa77f6 -[nscontrol mousedown:] + 786 18 appkit 0x00007fff8aa72c98 -[nswindow sendevent:] + 6306 19 appkit 0x00007fff8aa0c3a5 -[nsapplication sendevent:] + 5593 20 appkit 0x00007fff8a9a2a0e -[nsapplication run] + 555 21 appkit 0x00007fff8ac1eeac nsapplicationmain + 867 22 fileshedb1.0 0x00000001000014c2 main + 34 23 fileshedb1.0 0x0000000100001494 start + 52 )
anyone know why i'm getting error?
if no row selected, selectedrow
row returns -1
. put check this.
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