ios - FB.getLoginStatus returns status unknown -

i using cordova facebook plugin ios .

fb.getloginstatus(function(response) {     console.log(json.stringify(response)); });  fb.login(     function(response) {}); 

i getting error {"status":"unknown","authresponse":null}

as stated in facebook document, fb.getloginstatus return 3 possible responses:

  • the user logged facebook , has authenticated application (connected)
  • the user logged facebook has not authenticated application (not_authorized)
  • the user not logged facebook @ time , don’t know if they’ve authenticated application or not (unknown).

  fb.getloginstatus(function(response) {             if (response.status === 'connected') {                // user logged in , has authenticated app                // show open graph related features here. such frictionless sharing             } else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') {                // user logged in facebook, has not authenticated app                // show user facebook status             } else {                 // user isn't logged in facebook.                 // hide facebook status mockups.             }          });


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