string - Read Line By Line Until Integer is Found C -

trying create program takes in text file , reads line line. finds 2 integers on each line , adds them together. outputs new line original string , total new text file. need adding 2 integers, getting them each line, , putting new line text file.

input text file

good morning hello 34 127 ann 20 45 10 11 fun program , find same 90 120 news paper said 56 11 how 20 5 line number 90 34 

outputs first like: , continue on

good morning hello 161 


int processtextfile(char * inputfilename, char * outputfilename) {    file *fp = fopen(inputfilename, "r");//open file to read    char buff[1024];    char *p, *p1;    int num;    while (fgets(buff, 1024, fp)!=null)    {       printf("%s\n", buff);       while(scanf(buff, "%*[^0-9]%d", &num)== 1)          printf("%d\n", num);       //fscanf(fp, "%s", buff);    }     return 0; } 


so i've been able accomplish this. how sort number produced? example:

time money 52 here 3 21 

would output new text file in order like

here 3 21 time money 52 

my version using strcspn() supposed work stdin input , stdout output. (so can executable <textfile >newtextfile)

#include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>  int main(void) {     char line[1000];     while (fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin)) {         char *ptr;         size_t x = strcspn(line, "0123456789");         if (line[x]) {             errno = 0;             int n1 = strtol(line + x, &ptr, 10);             if (*ptr && !errno) {                 errno = 0;                 int n2 = strtol(ptr, &ptr, 10);                 if (*ptr && !errno) {                     int n3 = n1 + n2;                     printf("%.*s%d\n", (int)x, line, n3);                 } else {                     printf("%s", line); // line includes enter                 }             } else {                 printf("%s", line); // line includes enter             }         } else {             printf("%s", line); // line includes enter         }     }     return 0; } 

the same version without error checking

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>  int main(void) {     char line[1000];     while (fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin)) {         char *ptr;         size_t x = strcspn(line, "0123456789");         int n1 = strtol(line + x, &ptr, 10);         int n2 = strtol(ptr, &ptr, 10);         int n3 = n1 + n2;         printf("%.*s%d\n", (int)x, line, n3);     }     return 0; } 


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