less-plugin-autoprefix plugin with Gulp showing error -

the less-plugin-autoprefixer plugin readme says that, use plugin, include in gulpfile.js:

var lesspluginautoprefix = require('less-plugin-autoprefix'),     autoprefixplugin = new lesspluginautoprefix({browsers: ["last 2 versions"]}); less.render(lessstring, { plugins: [autoprefixplugin] })   .then( 

do want me put open ended callback function here? i'm confused. tried including first part:

var lesspluginautoprefix = require('less-plugin-autoprefix'),         autoprefixplugin = new lesspluginautoprefix({browsers: ["last 2 versions"]}); 

and called plugin this:

gulp.task('less', ['clean'], function() {     return gulp.src('app.less')         .pipe(less({             includepaths: ['less'],             plugins: [autoprefixplugin] //***//         }))         .pipe(cssmin({keepspecialcomments: 0}))         .pipe(rename('app.full.min.css'))         .pipe(gulp.dest('../server/dist/'))         .pipe(filter('../server/dist/**/*.css'))         .pipe(reload({stream:true})); }); 

but receive following error:

typeerror: object #<autoprefixer> has no method 'on'     @ destroyabletransform.stream.pipe (stream.js:65:8)     @ gulp.<anonymous> (/users/himmel/sites/matt-mcdaniel.com/client/gulpfile.js:131:10) 

i've included necessary dependency, autoprefixer-core, missing here?

the error thrown unknown reason due inclusion of:

var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer-core'); 

after removing this, no error thrown.

additionally, including:

var lesspluginautoprefix = require('less-plugin-autoprefix'),         autoprefixplugin = new lesspluginautoprefix({browsers: ["last 2 versions"]}); 


gulp.task('less', ['clean'], function() {     return gulp.src('app.less')         .pipe(less({             includepaths: ['less'],             plugins: [autoprefixplugin] //***//         }))         .pipe(cssmin({keepspecialcomments: 0}))         .pipe(rename('app.full.min.css'))         .pipe(gulp.dest('../server/dist/'))         .pipe(filter('../server/dist/**/*.css'))         .pipe(reload({stream:true})); }); 

was sufficient gulpfile autoprefix on build, did not autoprefix via browsersync during development.


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