android - error show cursor out of bound -

i'm show particular data listview bt doenot show emulator goes blank.... query as..

sqlitedatabase sd = db.getreadabledatabase();         string select = "select * pending_dues_table _pending_dues_id ="+i;         cr = sd.rawquery(select, null);          if (cr != null) {                 //cr.movetofirst();              int ii;              ii=cr.getcolumnindex("pending_dues_notice");                 while (cr.movetolast()){                                         namelist.add(cr.getstring(ii));                     //studentno.add(cursor.getstring(1));                                    }             }               arraylist<string>combimelist=new arraylist<string>();         for(int j = 0; j<namelist.size();j++){             combimelist.add(namelist.get(j));         }         adapter = new arrayadapter<string>(studentdues.this,r.layout.student_due, combimelist); 

and locat show error as..

05-25 03:33:56.225: e/androidruntime(5134): fatal exception: main 05-25 03:33:56.225: e/androidruntime(5134): java.lang.outofmemoryerror: [memory exhausted] 05-25 03:33:56.225: e/androidruntime(5134):     @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 

your logcat says

    cursorindexoutofboundsexception: index 0 requested, size of 0        ......     @ com.example.mytryapp.teacherstudent$1.onclick( 

so think problem hare

if (get_rollno.equals(cr.getstring(0)))  {    loginstatus = true; name=cr.getstring(0); }  

and suggestion check before call must have data. try hope works

if(cursor.getcount() > 0){ // values cursor here     if (get_rollno.equals(cr.getstring(0)))      {        loginstatus = true; name=cr.getstring(0);     } } 

or there better way


cursor cursor = //query here while (cursor.movetonext()) {     // retrieve  values cursor } 

if there problem ... comment it


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