java - Jar created through eclipse on windows is Working but Getting failed on linux -

i created jar file includes dependencies of jsoup library . working fine in system when put on linux machine still displaying o/p after displaying below error.

  # # fatal error has been detected java runtime environment: # #  sigsegv (0xb) @ pc=0x0000003d3a26a040, pid=31443, tid=140607474837248 # # jre version: openjdk runtime environment (7.0_55-b13) (build 1.7.0_55-mockbuild_2014_04_09_11_51-b00) # java vm: openjdk 64-bit server vm (24.51-b03 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops) # problematic frame: # c  0x0000003d3a26a040 # 

sigsev means program producing called segmentation fault

signal description

sigsegv, sigbus, sigfpe, sigpipe, sigill -- used in implementation implicit null check, , forth.

most of segmentation fault error have seen reported on linux machines running openjdk . if can please install oracle jdk on machine , see if works.

if cannot install oracle jdk first enable core dump .

to enable core dump use "ulimit -c unlimited"

please refer links below more info on enabling core dumps

with core dump please go through links below shows various steps taken resolve issue. plz not jvm issue , hence may need reported bug.

java fatal error sigsegv

java runtime environment sigsegv error on server startup

debugging sigsegv java fatal error in

jvm crash due sigsegv

below links give better understanding of issue


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