sql server - SQL Query to loop through AD OUs and get a count of objects -
i'm trying produce report has count of computer objects within many, many ad ous sql server can join other data in sql db , create report ssrs.
i've figured out how single ou (which represents physical site location unique code in situation) need able ous in directory.
this query result 1 single ou. ideas?
declare @sitecode int set @sitecode = 1234 declare @region nvarchar(100) set @region = ( select top 1 regionname tbl_adsiteinfo sitecode = @sitecode ) declare @sitename nvarchar(250) set @sitename = ( select top 1 sitename tbl_adsiteinfo sitecode = @sitecode ) declare @sql nvarchar(1000) set @sql = ' select top 901 count(*) ''count'' openquery( adsi, '' select distinguishedname,extensionattribute3,extensionattribute4,extensionattribute2, name ''''ldap://ou=computers,ou=' + @sitename + ',ou=' + @region + ',ou=branches,dc=company,dc=com'''' objectclass = ''''computer'''' '' ) tbladsi ' exec dbo.sp_executesql @sql
i figured out how myself after thinking while.
first, query existing table dataset of unique ids in org our sites (sitecode) , write them temp table column called 'processed' has value of 0.
then, while loop has condition of select count(sitecode) #tmp processed = 0 > 1
then select top 1 processed = '0' sitecode , use query table ldap path site's container, , ldap query count of computer objects , write value yet table hold results want. when i've got data need, set record processed = '1' , loop continues.
eventually, sites have processed = '1' , loop finish. drop temp table don't need anymore.
i'm bit concerned execution time blow out doing way apart hand counting, i'm not sure else do, , i'm pretty happy anyway :)
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