javascript - Angular js directive doesn't work on page load -

i new angularjs below directive support decimal , commas, works fine when change made field how ever data in fields not validated when page loads

     var app = angular.module('myapply.directives', [], function () { }); app.directive('numericdecimalinput', function($filter, $browser, $locale,$rootscope) {          return {                 require: 'ngmodel',                 priority: 1,                 link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ngmodelctrl) {                     var replaceregex = new regexp($locale.number_formats.group_sep, 'g');                     var fraction = $attrs.fraction || 0;                       var listener = function() {                         var value = $element.val().replace(replaceregex, '');                         $element.val($filter('number')(value, fraction));                     };                       var validator=function(viewvalue) {                         ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('outofmax', true);                        ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity(ngmodelctrl.$name+'numeric', true);                        ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('rangevalid', true);                         if(!_.isundefined(viewvalue))                         {                            var newval = viewvalue.replace(replaceregex, '');                            var newvalasnumber = newval * 1;                            // check if new value numeric, , set control validity                            if (isnan(newvalasnumber)) {                                ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity(ngmodelctrl.$name + 'numeric', false);                            } else                            {                                    if (newval < 0) {                                        ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity(ngmodelctrl.$name + 'numeric', false);                                    }                                    else {                                        newval = newvalasnumber.tofixed(fraction);                                        ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity(ngmodelctrl.$name + 'numeric', true);                                        if (!(_.isnull($attrs.maxamt) || _.isundefined($attrs.maxamt))) {                                            var maxamtvalue = number($attrs.maxamt) || number($scope.$eval($attrs.maxamt));                                            if (newval > maxamtvalue) {                                                ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('outofmax', false);                                            } else {                                                ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('outofmax', true);                                            }                                             if(!(_.isnull($attrs.minamt) || _.isundefined($attrs.minamt)))                                            {                                                var minamtvalue = number($attrs.minamt)|| number($scope.$eval($attrs.minamt));                                                 if((newval > maxamtvalue) || (newval < minamtvalue)){                                                     ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('rangevalid', false);                                             }                                             else                                             {                                             ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('rangevalid', true);                                             }                                              }                                         }                                         else if((!(_.isnull($attrs.minamt) || _.isundefined($attrs.minamt))))                                        {                                            var minamtvalue = number($attrs.minamt)|| number($scope.$eval($attrs.minamt));                                            if(newval < minamtvalue)                                                {                                                     ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('outofmin', false);                                                }                                            else                                                {                                                     ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('outofmin', true);                                                }                                         }                                        else {                                            ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('outofmax', true);                                          }                                    }                            }                             return newval;                          }                      };                       // runs when model gets updated on scope directly , keeps our view in sync                     ngmodelctrl.$render = function() {                        ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity('outofmax', true);                        ngmodelctrl.$setvalidity(ngmodelctrl.$name+'numeric', true);                         $element.val($filter('number')(ngmodelctrl.$viewvalue, fraction));                      };                      $element.bind('change', listener);                     $element.bind('keydown', function(event) {                         var key = event.keycode;                         // if keys include ctrl, shift, alt, or meta keys, home, end, or arrow keys, nothing.                         // lets support copy , paste                         if (key == 91 || (15 < key && key < 19) || (35 <= key && key <= 40))                              return;                     });                      $element.bind('paste cut', function() {                         $browser.defer(listener);                       });                      ngmodelctrl.$parsers.push(validator);                     ngmodelctrl.$formatters.push(validator);                  }              };     }); 

could 1 please let me know missing . thanking in advance.

have declared app (doesn't show in code)? ie:

var app = angular.module('app', []); 

do have ng-app in html document anywhere?

<html lang="en-gb" ng-app="app"> 

check out documentation started modules (angular documented, worth reading):


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