php - How To Cast Eloquent Pivot Parameters? -

i have following eloquent models relationships:

class lead extends model {     public function contacts() {         return $this->belongstomany('app\contact')                     ->withpivot('is_primary');     } }  class contact extends model {     public function leads() {         return $this->belongstomany('app\lead')                     ->withpivot('is_primary');     } } 

the pivot table contains additional param (is_primary) marks relationship primary. currently, see returns when query contact:

{     "id": 565,     "leads": [         {             "id": 349,              "pivot": {                 "contact_id": "565",                 "lead_id": "349",                 "is_primary": "0"              }         }     ] } 

is there way cast is_primary in boolean? i've tried adding $casts array of both models did not change anything.

since attribute on pivot table, using $casts attribute won't work on either lead or contact model.

one thing can try, however, use custom pivot model $casts attribute defined. documentation on custom pivot models here. basically, create new pivot model customizations, , update lead , contact models use custom pivot model instead of base one.

first, create custom pivot model extends base pivot model:

<?php namespace app;  use illuminate\database\eloquent\relations\pivot;  class primarypivot extends pivot {     protected $casts = ['is_primary' => 'boolean']; } 

now, override newpivot() method on lead , contact models:

class lead extends model {     public function newpivot(model $parent, array $attributes, $table, $exists) {         return new \app\primarypivot($parent, $attributes, $table, $exists);     } }  class contact extends model {     public function newpivot(model $parent, array $attributes, $table, $exists) {         return new \app\primarypivot($parent, $attributes, $table, $exists);     } } 


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