c# - How to insert Data into sql server database -

i'm trying insert data sql server 2014 database, error

incorrect syntax near ')'.

my table matches types of data put in, example, i'm put int int.

here code:

string ip = request.userhostaddress; string name = "jesus said: love enemies (v.s.)";  int blueq = convert.toint32(textbox1.text); int redq = convert.toint32(textbox2.text); int whiteq = convert.toint32(textbox3.text); int blackq = convert.toint32(textbox4.text); int whiteqr = convert.toint32(textbox9.text); int redqr = convert.toint32(textbox10.text); int sn = 600; int price = total_jslye;  string size;   if (radiobutton1.checked == false) {     size = "11x35"; } else     size = "18x50";  try {     string conn = system.configuration.configurationmanager.connectionstrings["sqlcs"].connectionstring;     var cmd = "insert cartsigns (@signnumber, @redquantity, @bluequantity, @whitequantity, @blackquantity, @whitereflectivequantity, @redreflectivequantity, @size, @signname, @ipaddress, @price)";      using (sqlconnection com = new sqlconnection(conn))     {         using (sqlcommand cmds = new sqlcommand(cmd, com))         {             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@signnumber", sn);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@redquantity", redq);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@bluequantity", blueq);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@whitequantity", whiteq);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@blackquantity", blackq);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@whitereflectivequantity", whiteqr);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@redreflectivequantity", redqr);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@size", size);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@signname", name);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@ipaddress", ip);             cmds.parameters.addwithvalue("@price", price);              com.open();             cmds.executenonquery();         }       } } 

so please help, thanks

your parameter names can not have brackets or spaces in them in sql server. rename them @signnumber, @redquantity, @bluequantity... etc.


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