objective c - ios, ipad , MBProgressHUD works fine iphone, but not working properly in ipad -

i using mbprogresshud in ipad, works fine, , not works fine(user interaction not disable mbprogresshud working).

on other hand works fine in iphone (all time).

my code :

-(void)performheavytask { [mbprogresshud showhudaddedto:self.view animated:yes]; [[flrtalertcontroller sharedinstance]setfriendsdatadelegate:self]; [[flrtalertcontroller sharedinstance] performselectorinbackground:@selector(getdatafirsttime) withobject:nil]; 


you should use latest version of (v 0.9.1) guide install project in link https://github.com/jdg/mbprogresshud/blob/master/readme.mdown

and should add mbprogresshud view of navigationcontroller or view of top controller in stack. see sample project in mbprogresshud


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