Get Selected Row in DataGridView not working VB.Net -

i have pretty standard datagridview , have used

.selectionmode = datagridviewselectionmode.fullrowselect .multiselect = false 

in order ensure entire row selected.

situation : need obtain selected row in order load data in row screen "modify" data. using following selected row.

private sub datagridview2_cellcontentclick(sender object, e datagridviewcelleventargs) handles datagridview2.cellcontentclick     try         if e.rowindex >= 0             dim row datagridviewrow             row = me.datagridview2.rows(e.rowindex)             globalvariables.selectedlineitemrowno = e.rowindex ' or row             msgbox("globalvariables.selectedlineitemrowno ---> " & globalvariables.selectedlineitemrowno)              'textboxtst.text = row.cells("description").value.tostring         end if     catch ex exception         msgbox(ex.message)     end try end sub 

question : problem of time when 1 clicks on data within dgv code above run , sets e.rowindex - when hit white space on row nothing happens , results in problem of using previous row selected, in fact wrong row.?

any ideas appreciated. in advance

i think looking datagridview cellclick instead of cellcontentclick. cellcontentclick not fire when white space around cell content clicked.

private sub datagridview2_cellclick(byval sender object, byval e handles datagridview2.cellclick try     if e.rowindex >= 0         dim row datagridviewrow         row = me.datagridview2.rows(e.rowindex)         globalvariables.selectedlineitemrowno = e.rowindex ' or row         msgbox("globalvariables.selectedlineitemrowno ---> " & globalvariables.selectedlineitemrowno)          'textboxtst.text = row.cells("description").value.tostring     end if catch ex exception     msgbox(ex.message) end try end sub 


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