smlnj - Printing only print output with SML/NJ -
i'm trying use sml/nj, , use sml < source.sml
run code, prints out information.
for example, source.sml
fun fac 0 = 1 | fac n = n * fac (n - 1) val r = fac 10 ; print(int.tostring(r));
this output:
standard ml of new jersey v110.77 [built: tue mar 10 07:03:24 2015] - val fac = fn : int -> int val r = 3628800 : int [autoloading] [library $smlnj-basis/ stable] [autoloading done] 3628800val = () : unit
from suppress "val it" output in standard ml, how disable smlnj warnings?, , smlnj want remove "val = () : unit" every print statement execution, got hints how suppress them.
i execute cm_verbose=false sml < $filename
, added 1 line of control.print.out := {say=fn _=>(), flush=fn()=>()};
in code, still have message:
standard ml of new jersey v110.77 [built: tue mar 10 07:03:24 2015] - 3628800
how can print out output?
the sml
command intended used interactively. sounds me better off building standalone executable program instead.
there few options:
if relying on sml/nj extensions, or if cannot use ml implementation, can follow instructions in this post build sml/nj heap image can turned standalone executable using heap2exec.
a better option might use mlton compiler, implementation of standard ml. lacks repl, unlike sml/nj requires no boilerplate generate standalone executable. building simple issuing:
$ mlton your-program.sml $ ./your-program 3628800
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