java - Maven share sources in modules with custom resources -

i have maven project should output 3 jar files. of them share same sources have different resources.

my project structure this:

project/ +-- src/main/java - sources folder +-- src/main/resources - shared resources (some images) +-- pom.xml +-- modulea/ |   +-- src/main/java - empty folder |   +-- src/main/resources - custom resources |   +-- pom.xml +-- moduleb/ |   +-- src/main/java - 1 additional java class |   +-- src/main/resources - custom resources |   +-- pom.xml +-- c & d ... 

how make maven generate 4 jar files custom resources , merged java files? if resources override, possible make custom priority?

i've tried using

<build>     <sourcedirectory>${parent.basedir}/src/main/java</sourcedirectory> </build> 

in child pom.xml didn't work

update 1

so i've changed structure to:

project/ +-- src/main/java - empty +-- src/main/resources - empty +-- pom.xml +-- coremodule/ |   +-- src/main/java/ - shared sources |   +-- src/main/resources/ - custom resources |   |   +-- coretext.txt |   +-- pom.xml +-- modulea/ |   +-- src/main/java - empty folder |   +-- src/main/resources - custom resources |   +-- pom.xml +-- moduleb/ |   +-- src/main/java - 1 additional java class |   +-- src/main/resources - custom resources |   +-- pom.xml +-- c & d ... 

and i've used maven-shade-plugin make modulea.jar , moduleb.jar shared sources , resources.

now facing issue maven-shade-plugin not offer filter or replace-text tools. need change text in coretext.txt according rules in module. simple string replace in file. there way filter in maven-shade-plugin?

this depends heavily on you're doing specialized projects (modulea->moduled).

you want declare "project" dependency of each module, make uberjar. can done maven-shade-plugin, or possibly assembly plugin (again, depending on need). there onejar plugin, , if you're using spring boot, can make standalone jar.

also, fwiw, it's bad practice make parent project ("project" in case) actual project, , instead create proper "parent pom", shared-java module child (along module a->d).


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