java - The Preview Doesn't Displayed At The Launching (Android Studio) -

i started learning android sdk , have problem. launched studio , android screen didn't show (yes, know preview tool bar , how switch). quote:

"rendering problems following classes not found: - (fix build path, edit xml, create class) tip: try build project."

*sometimes there rendering problem , showed : "rendering problems following classes not instantiated: - (open class, show exception, clear cache)"

i'm pretty sure "appcompat_v7", automatically generated in eclipse when setting android project. imports unnecessary features , causes bunch of build errors.

  1. delete "appcompat_v7" folder
    • go mainactivity
    • delete import "";
    • change "mainactivity extends actionbaractivity" "mainactivity extends activity"
    • add import;
    • add import android.os.bundle;
    • add import;
    • add import android.view.menuitem;
  2. go res folder , go values folder...delete styles.xml
  3. delete values-v11 folder
  4. delete values-v14 folder
  5. go menu folder, , click on main.xml...go "item" tag , delete app:showasaction="never"
  6. go androidmanifest.xml...go "application" tag...delete android:theme="@style/apptheme"
  7. go project @ top...clean , should have no more errors.


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