charts - PrimeFaces Piechart: Tooltips are not displaying in my local environment -

i have recreated example page shown in primefaces showcase at:

the pie chart display , able tweak pie chart model available setters , getters, hovering on piece of pie not display tooltip @ all.

this not browser issue, in same browser tooltips display on demo site.

the jqplot-highlighter-tooltip div showing in html source, not getting updated on hover. there no errors shown in javascript console.

i using 5.2 maven dependancy, , have tried 4.0 - no change.

would appreciate ideas.


the code managed bean follows:

package org.primefaces.examples;  import org.primefaces.model.chart.piechartmodel;  import javax.annotation.postconstruct; import javax.faces.bean.managedbean; import;  @managedbean public class chartview implements serializable {      private static final long serialversionuid = 1075867144472594293l;      private piechartmodel piemodel1;     private piechartmodel piemodel2;      @postconstruct     public void init() {         createpiemodels();     }      public piechartmodel getpiemodel1() {         return piemodel1;     }      public piechartmodel getpiemodel2() {         return piemodel2;     }      private void createpiemodels() {         createpiemodel1();         createpiemodel2();     }      private void createpiemodel1() {         piemodel1 = new piechartmodel();          piemodel1.set("brand 1", 540);         piemodel1.set("brand 2", 325);         piemodel1.set("brand 3", 702);         piemodel1.set("brand 4", 421);          piemodel1.settitle("simple pie");         piemodel1.setlegendposition("w");     }      private void createpiemodel2() {         piemodel2 = new piechartmodel();          piemodel2.set("brand 1", 540);         piemodel2.set("brand 2", 325);         piemodel2.set("brand 3", 702);         piemodel2.set("brand 4", 421);          piemodel2.settitle("custom pie");         piemodel2.setlegendposition("e");         piemodel2.setfill(false);         piemodel2.setshowdatalabels(true);         piemodel2.setdiameter(150);     }  } 

the code view page is:

<!doctype html>  <html xmlns=""       xmlns:h=""       xmlns:p="">  <h:head/>  <h:body>     <p:chart type="pie" model="#{chartview.piemodel1}" style="width:400px;height:300px" />      <p:chart type="pie" model="#{chartview.piemodel2}" style="width:400px;height:300px" /> </h:body>  </html> 

i have faced same problem. using extender fixed :

  • facelet :

    <script type="text/javascript">     function pieextender() {         this.cfg.highlighter = {             show: true,             tooltiplocation: 'n',             useaxesformatters: false,             formatstring: '%s = %d'         };     } </script> 
  • managed bean :


for more tweaking see :


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