Android TalkBack and fragment stack -

for application work on, need implement accessibility. works fine except 1 screen have fragments added activity. basically, fragment above dial keyboard enter passcode. fragment added fragmenttransaction.

the thing talkback focus set on elements of underneath fragment.

do know if there way set talkback focus on dial fragment ? want "disable" fragment underneath focus



i figured out solution. can disable accessibility of first fragment before fragment transaction.

rootview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.first_fragment, null, false);  rootview.setimportantforaccessibility(view.important_for_accessibility_no_hide_descendants); 

and commit fragment transaction. second fragment won't leak focus first fragment.

don't forget enable accessibility of first fragment in case you're coming first fragment.

if(rootview != null) {     rootview.setimportantforaccessibility(view.important_for_accessibility_yes); } 


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