How to change HTML markup structure using javascript or CSS? -

i have following markup in page.

<div class="tm_left">     <!-- left side bar code--> </div> <div class="tm_center">     <!-- content code--> </div> <div class="tm_right">     <!-- right side bar code--> </div> 

is possible change markup following when page opened on 768px width , below :

<div class="tm_center">     <!-- content code--> </div> <div class="tm_left">     <!-- left side bar code--> </div> <div class="tm_right">     <!-- right side bar code--> </div> 

i not want touch <div class="tm_center"><!-- content code--></div> want moving <div class="tm_left"><!-- left side bar code--></div> between other 2 divs when page opened in 768px width , below.

can achieve using java script / css? if java script solution work on mobiles?

kindly try best before asking these questions! ans below!


$(window).resize(function(){   if(window.innerwidth < 768) {     var $detcenter = $(".tm_center").detach();     $(".tm_left").before($detcenter);           } }); 


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