javascript - Java script game - adding more questions -

i trying make matching game in java script, match correct animal print animal. have 3 questions in game far , when try add more, game not show questions..

if in anyway great.

here code..

    <html>        <head>     <script>      function randsort (a,b) {return math.random() - 0.5}      var questions = [     {text: " animal this?", img: "animalprints/1.jpg", answers: ["cheetah", "tiger", "ladybird"], ans: "0"},      {text: " animal one?", img: "animalprints/2.jpg", answers: ["elephant", "giraffe", "snake"], ans: "1"},      {text: "what animal 1 please?", img: "animalprints/3.jpg", answers: ["bumblebee", "tiger", "lady bird"], ans: "2"}      /////**part added**///      {text: "what animal 1 please?", img: "animalprints/4.jpg", answers: ["giraffe", "butterfly", "monkey"], ans: "2"}      ];      var correctcount = 0;     var currentq = 0;      function select(nr) {         if (nr == questions[currentq].ans)         {             correctcount++;             document.getelementbyid('display').innerhtml= "you win"         }         else         {             document.getelementbyid('display').innerhtml= "you lose"         }          document.getelementbyid('display').innerhtml += "<p>score: "+ correctcount;          // if last 1          nextq();      }          function showq() {         document.getelementbyid('questiontext').innerhtml = questions[currentq].text;           document.getelementbyid('animalprint').src = questions[currentq].img;          newhtml = "";         (var = 0; i< questions[currentq].answers.length; i++)         {             newhtml+= "<button onclick = 'select(" + + ")'>"+ questions[currentq].answers[i] + "</button>";          }          document.getelementbyid('alloptions').innerhtml = newhtml;     }       function nextq(){         if (currentq < questions.length-1)         {                 currentq++;              showq();         }      }      window.onload =init;      function init()     {         correctcount = 0;         questions.sort(randsort);         currentq = 0;         showq();     }        </script>         <title> game_page</title>         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href ="gamepage_css.css">             <script type = "text/javascript">     /*                     document.write("<img src = \ "" + math.floor 1 + math.random() * 10) +                     ".jpg\" />");                        document.write("<img src = \"" + math.floor 1 + math.random() * )     */                              </script>              </head>     <body>         <div id = main>             <div id = "questiontext"> testing</div>             <div id ="animal">                 <img id = "animalprint" src = "animalprints/1.jpg">             </div>             <div id = "alloptions">             </div>               <button id = "nextbutton" onclick = "nextq();">             </button></a>           </div>          <div id = "display">    score:    </div>      </body>     </html> 

and css

body {     background-position: center;     background-color:lime; }  #questiontext {width: 350px; background: white;}   #nextbutton {     background-image: url(buttons/nextbutton.jpg);     background-size:contain;     background-repeat:repeat-y;     background-position: center;     width:100px;     height:44px;     margin-left: 250px;     border-radius:10px; }   #main {     margin-top:200px;     margin-left:250px;     border:1px solid red;     width:600px; }  #display {     width:150px;     height:50px;     background-color:blue;     color:white;     border-radius:5px;     font-family:aqua; } 

i tried change answers , works me

var questions = [ {text: " animal this?", img: "animalprints/1.jpg", answers: ["cheetah", "tiger", "ladybird"], ans: "0"},  {text: " animal one?", img: "animalprints/2.jpg", answers: ["elephant", "giraffe", "snake"], ans: "1"},  {text: "what animal 1 please?", img: "animalprints/3.jpg", answers: ["bumblebee", "tiger", "lady bird"], ans: "2"}, {text: "test question?", img: "animalprints/3.jpg", answers: ["answer 1", "answer 2", "answer 3"], ans: "2"} ]; 


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