java - How to fix my scanner in error if my .txt file is empty? -

i'm taking in strings file , places them linkedlist. program works fine when .txt file has data in it.
however, when no data in .txt file seems throw error...

    exception in thread "main" java.util.nosuchelementexception     @ java.util.scanner.throwfor(     @     @ task.main.main( 

would if/else statement fix this??

here's code i'm using, works if .txt file has data.

    //read in task data , place task data in ll             string contentcomplete = new scanner(new file("completedata.txt")).usedelimiter("\\z").next();             linenumberreader  lnr4 = new linenumberreader(new filereader(new file("completedata.txt")));             lnr4.skip(long.max_value);             lnr4.close();             realsize = lnr4.getlinenumber();             sizeofin = ((lnr4.getlinenumber() + 1) / 4); //divide 2 because every 4 lines equal 1 input             //-----test number of data entries             system.out.println("number of data entries progressdata.txt: " + sizeofin);             //-----number of lines             system.out.println("number of lines progressdata: " + realsize);             //splits userdata.txt input 2 parts             string[] completecontent = contentcomplete.split("\n");             //loads taskdata ll             //update: changed < sizeofin < realsize , appears loading correctly              for(int = 0; < realsize; i++) {                 task temptask = new task(completecontent[i], completecontent[i+1], completecontent[i+2], completecontent[i+3]);                 completell.add(temptask);                 = + 3; 

you did not share code considering error message seems did not check if scanner still had tokens in input before asking next token

for purpose should use scanner.hasnext() method:

hasnext() returns true if scanner has token in input.

so like

while (scanner.hasnext()) {     // process here input scanner     // example string data =; } 

it don't need implement in loop if like:

if (scanner.hasnext()) {    // process here.... } 


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