java - How to fix my scanner in error if my .txt file is empty? -
i'm taking in strings file , places them linkedlist. program works fine when .txt file has data in it.
however, when no data in .txt file seems throw error...
exception in thread "main" java.util.nosuchelementexception @ java.util.scanner.throwfor( @ @ task.main.main(
would if/else statement fix this??
here's code i'm using, works if .txt file has data.
//read in task data , place task data in ll string contentcomplete = new scanner(new file("completedata.txt")).usedelimiter("\\z").next(); linenumberreader lnr4 = new linenumberreader(new filereader(new file("completedata.txt"))); lnr4.skip(long.max_value); lnr4.close(); realsize = lnr4.getlinenumber(); sizeofin = ((lnr4.getlinenumber() + 1) / 4); //divide 2 because every 4 lines equal 1 input //-----test number of data entries system.out.println("number of data entries progressdata.txt: " + sizeofin); //-----number of lines system.out.println("number of lines progressdata: " + realsize); //splits userdata.txt input 2 parts string[] completecontent = contentcomplete.split("\n"); //loads taskdata ll //update: changed < sizeofin < realsize , appears loading correctly for(int = 0; < realsize; i++) { task temptask = new task(completecontent[i], completecontent[i+1], completecontent[i+2], completecontent[i+3]); completell.add(temptask); = + 3;
you did not share code considering error message seems did not check if scanner still had tokens in input before asking next token
for purpose should use scanner.hasnext()
hasnext() returns true if scanner has token in input.
so like
while (scanner.hasnext()) { // process here input scanner // example string data =; }
it don't need implement in loop if like:
if (scanner.hasnext()) { // process here.... }
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