Python: retrieve objects's value from a class object -
here problem, i'm creating tkinter gui , in class object call text tipped in textfield , make array of it
but can't find how retrieve , use object later on in script.
here script
import pandas pd pandas import * import numpy np import tkinter tkinter import * pylab import * ttk import * import scrolledtext df = pd.dataframe(np.random.randint(100, 500, size = (10, 20)), index = list('abcdefghij')) mylist = df.index.values.tolist() rootwin = class graphgui(): def __init__(self, rootwin): self.textfield = scrolledtext.scrolledtext(rootwin, width=30, height=10) #add text: self.textfield.insert(insert, "replace") self.textfield.grid(column=0, row=4) self.button = button(rootwin, text="process!", command=self.clicked) self.button.grid(column=1, row=4) def clicked(self): etext = self.textfield.get('1.0', end) converted = etext.encode('ascii','ignore') myarray = converted.splitlines() print(myarray) def clicked2(): print(clicked.myarray) start = tkinter.button(rootwin, text="start!", command=clicked2).grid(column=7, row=8) app = graphgui( rootwin ) rootwin.mainloop()
the problem when click on process button no problem myarray printed. when use start button can't retrieve it. there way retrieve myarray out of class object? possible print myarray start button without having use process button first?
##### edithere final working script help
class graphgui(): def __init__(self, rootwin): self.textfield = scrolledtext.scrolledtext(rootwin, width=30, height=10) #add text: self.textfield.insert(insert, "replace accession list") self.textfield.grid(column=6, row=4) self.button = button(rootwin, text="process!", command=self.clicked) self.button.grid(column=7, row=4) @property def myarray(self): e_text = self.textfield.get('1.0', end) converted = e_text.encode('ascii','ignore') return converted.splitlines() def clicked(self): print(self.myarray) print(variablea.get()) #not defined here# print(variableb.get()) def clicked2(): print(app.myarray) start = tkinter.button(rootwin, text="start!", command=clicked2).grid(column=7, row=10)
looks you're trying access local variable of object method. that's not possible. if need it, try defining own callback instead.
class graphgui(): def __init__(self, rootwin): self.textfield = scrolledtext.scrolledtext(rootwin, width=30, height=10) # add text: self.textfield.insert(insert, "replace") self.textfield.grid(column=0, row=4) self.button = button(rootwin, text="process!", command=self.clicked) self.button.grid(column=1, row=4) def clicked(self): etext = self.textfield.get('1.0', end) converted = etext.encode('ascii', 'ignore') myarray = converted.splitlines() return myarray rootwin = app = graphgui(rootwin) start = tkinter.button(rootwin, text="start!", command=app.clicked) start.grid(column=7, row=8) # code assigned `start = none` btw rootwin.mainloop()
alternatively, myarray
defined property of class.
class graphgui(): ... @property def myarray(self): e_txt = self.textfield.get('1.0', end) converted = e_txt.encode('ascii', 'ignore') return converted.splitlines() def clicked(self): print(self.myarray) # whatever else has rootwin = start = tkinter.button(rootwin, text="start!", command=lambda: app.myarray) ...
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