mvc - How do I validate only certain strings in C# MVC? -

how validate string in c#? example if have 4 colors red, blue, green , black wants user enter these colors. if user enters other color such white than, code throws error " how use in model validation in mvc c#?

for example: model:

public int id {get; set;} public string color {get; set;} 


    [httppost] public actionresult create(             [bind(include = "id, color")] tblcolor mycolor)         {             try {                  if (modelstate.isvalid && modelstate != modelstate)    if(mycolor == red, green, blue, black) {                     db.projects.add(mycolor);                     db.savechanges();                     return redirecttoaction("index"); } else { // error == "you allow insert 1 of red, blue, green, black"; }                 }             }             catch (exception)             {                // error message             }             return view(mycolor);         } 

i recommend using dropdown box values, still doesn't validate response.

for server side validation, , assuming have value coming in via parameter, work:

    [httppost]     public actionresult submit(string color)     {         string[] validcolors = new string[] { "red", "blue", "green", "black" };         if (!validcolors.contains(color))         {             viewbag.errormessage = color + " not valid color.";             return view();         }     } 


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