css - asp.net navigation menu style not correct when page loads -

i have asp.net navigation menu on page. when page loads style doesn't seem applied second. become okay in second. solution issue ?

<asp:menu id="navigationmenu" runat="server" cssclass="menu"      enableviewstate="false" includestyleblock="false" orientation="horizontal"      skiplinktext="">      <items>         <asp:menuitem navigateurl="~/main.aspx" text="home" value="public-item">         </asp:menuitem>         <asp:menuitem navigateurl="~/about.aspx" text="about" value="public-item">         </asp:menuitem>     </items>      <staticselectedstyle backcolor="#9999ff" /> </asp:menu> 

put css style sheet towards top of html document. if not in style sheet, make (and add @ top). problem caused page content loading before styles loaded.


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