java - OnClickListener will not detect click on rectangle? -
i have 2 rectangles each rectangle taking half of screen , trying detect clicks on rectangles.
what tried:
i tried set onclicklistener on both rectangles when click either rectangle click not detected. sure wasn't detecting click logged inside listeners , confirmed suspicions; listeners weren't being entered , therefore no click being detected.
here declare listeners in activity:
toprectangle = new rectangle(this, 0, 0, mscrwidth, mscrheight/2, 0xc757ff57); bottomrectangle = new rectangle(this,0, mscrheight /2, mscrwidth, mscrheight, 0xdeff5845 ); mainview.addview(mline); mline.invalidate(); mainview.addview(toprectangle); toprectangle.invalidate(); mainview.addview(bottomrectangle); bottomrectangle.invalidate(); view.onclicklistener toplistener = new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { if (toprectangle.getcolor() == 0xc757ff57 /*green*/) { if (!isgamestarted) { isgamestarted = true; } toprectangle.setcolor(0xdeff5845); if (movingup) { movingup = false; } else { movingup = true; } } else if (toprectangle.getcolor() == 0xdeff5845 /*red*/) { /*player dies*/ } } }; view.onclicklistener bottomlistener = new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view v) { if (bottomrectangle.getcolor() == 0xc757ff57 /*green*/) { bottomrectangle.setcolor(0xdeff5845); if (movingup) { movingup = false; } else { movingup = true; } } else if (bottomrectangle.getcolor() == 0xdeff5845 /*red*/) { /*player dies*/ } } }; toprectangle.setonclicklistener(toplistener); bottomrectangle.setonclicklistener(bottomlistener); toprectangle.setclickable(true); bottomrectangle.setclickable(true);
here class have rectangles:
public class rectangle extends view { public float left; public float top; public float right; public float bottom; public int color; private final paint mpaint = new paint(paint.anti_alias_flag); public static int[] colorarray = {0xff949cff, 0xffeef16b, 0xffffad85, 0xffafff78, 0xffe3abff, 0xff7dffe0, 0xfffebc71, 0xffa877fb, 0xff62ff8b, 0xfff99aa1, 0xffa9ff53, 0xffd02a21, 0xff1d1ad0, 0xffced07e, 0xff60b4ff, 0xffffa1e0}; /*faded blue, yellow, salmon, green, pink-red, light blue, light orange, purple, teal, pink, light-green, red, blue, sand, lighter blue, pink*/ public static random randomgenerator = new random(); public int getcolor() { return color; } public void setcolor(int color) { mpaint.setcolor(color); this.color = color; } public int getthebottom() { return (int) bottom; } public int gettheleft() { return (int) left; } public int getthetop() { return (int) top; } public int gettheright() { return (int) right; } //construct new rectangle object public rectangle(context context, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, int color) { super(context); //color hex [transparncy][red][green][blue] mpaint.setcolor(color); //not transparent. color white this.left = left; = top; this.right = right; this.bottom = bottom; } //construct new rectangle object public rectangle(context context, float left, float top, float right, float bottom) { super(context); this.left = left; = top; this.right = right; this.bottom = bottom; } //qcalled invalidate() @override protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) { super.ondraw(canvas); canvas.drawrect(left, top, right, bottom, mpaint); } public void setx(float left, float right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } public void sety(float top, float bottom) { = top; this.bottom = bottom; } public int getrectwidth() { return (int) (right - left); } public int getrectheight() { return (int) (bottom - top); } public int getcenterx() { return (int) (right + left) / 2; } public int getcentery() { return (int) (top + bottom) / 2; } }
what have referenced:
android: onclicklistener not work programmed
why no click being detected on rectangle views?
you have told view when user clicks on looks view not clickable. try this:
toprectangle = new rectangle(this, 0, 0, mscrwidth, mscrheight/2, 0xc757ff57); toprectangle.setclickable(true); bottomrectangle = new rectangle(this,0, mscrheight /2, mscrwidth, mscrheight, 0xdeff5845 ); bottomrectangle.setclickable(true);
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