javascript - call java script function on page load in using c# -
i wants call java script function on page load in using c#, code is, code:
<%@ page language="c#" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="lat_log_record.aspx.cs" inherits="lat_log.lat_log_record" %> <!doctype html> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title></title> </head> <body onload="getloc();"> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <script src=""> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function getloc() { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(function(position) { var latitude = position.coords.latitude; var longitude = position.coords.longitude; document.getelementbyid("<%=hflat.clientid %>").value = latitude; document.getelementbyid("<%=hflon.clientid %>").value = longitude; var coords = new google.maps.latlng(latitude, longitude); var mapoptions = { zoom: 15, center: coords, maptypecontrol: true, navigationcontroloptions: { style: google.maps.navigationcontrolstyle.small }, maptypeid: google.maps.maptypeid.roadmap }; map = new document.getelementbyid("mapcontainer"), mapoptions ); var marker = new google.maps.marker({ position: coords, map: map, title: "your current location!" }); }); } else { alert("geolocation api not supported in browser."); } } </script> <style type="text/css"> #mapcontainer { height: 500px; width: 800px; border: 10px solid #eaeaea; } </style> <div id="mapcontainer" runat="server" visible="false"> </div> <asp:hiddenfield id="hflat" runat="server" /> <asp:hiddenfield id="hflon" runat="server" /> <asp:button id="btnsave" runat="server" text="login" onclick="btnsave_click" /> <asp:gridview id="gvloc" runat="server"> </asp:gridview> <asp:label id="lbllat" runat="server"></asp:label> <asp:label id="lbllog" runat="server"></asp:label> </form> </body> </html>
c# code:
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.web.ui; using system.web.ui.webcontrols; using; using; using system.text; using; namespace lat_log { public partial class lat_log_record : { class1 ob = new class1(); list<class1> lst = new list<class1>(); protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) { scriptmanager.registerstartupscript(this, this.gettype(), "javascript", "javascript:getloc();", true); = hflat.value; ob.log = hflon.value; lst.add(ob); // lbllat.text = latitude; // lbllog.text = longitude; gvloc.datasource = lst; gvloc.databind(); } protected void btnsave_click(object sender, eventargs e) { } } }
i wants run java script on page load shows blank grid... tried other option like... , winodows.onload in script not working, need thank you..!
use domcontentloaded
the domcontentloaded event fired when document has been loaded , parsed, without waiting stylesheets, images, , subframes finish loading (the load event can used detect fully-loaded page).
document.addeventlistener("domcontentloaded", function (event) { console.log("dom loaded , parsed"); getloc(); // ^^^^^ });
you have nested function getloc()
inside a()
. reason getloc()
not invoked. can remove function a() {
, closing bracket }
otherwise, use following code:
function a() { function getloc() { ... } getloc(); // call when `a` called }
remove return
body onload
<body onload="getloc();">
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