c# - Inconsistent Accessibility -

i have taken simple interface

public interface ibinaryhelper {     tobinary converttobinary(string pathbinary); } 

i trying access in class below it

public class apihelper : ibinaryhelper {     private readonly restclient _client;      public tobinary converttobinary(string pathbinary)     {         tobinary binary = null;         var request = new restrequest("sampleapi/converttobinary/{pathbinary}", method.get) { requestformat = dataformat.json };         request.addparameter("pathbinary", pathbinary, parametertype.urlsegment);         var response = _client.execute<tobinary>(request);         binary = response.data;         return binary;     } } 

now when build it, error getting error inconsisten accessibility:

return type apihelper.tobinary less accessible method apihelper.apihelper.converttobinary(string) @ converttobinary method both in interface , in class

you returning object of type tobinary public method on public class.

the tobinary class needs visible possible callers of apihelper.converttobinary method - therefore, should public well.


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