
Showing posts from July, 2011

Can Sikuli be used for web testing? -

i working sikuli desktop application notepad, want know can open new tab in browser using sikuli? yes, using sikuli can automate browser. take images of required web elements (open new tab button in case) , stimulate click action using sikuli apis.

git - fetch works but push doesn't in gitlab repo -

i have created gitlab repo , cloned on local machine. made changes login gitlab , fetched local , works fine. but, cannot push changes made locally gitlab project. have added public sshkey gitlab account ssh access. push using https works fine well. this error when try push gitlab project using ssh method. gitlab: don't have permission fatal: not read remote repository. please make sure have correct access rights , repository exists. please advise wrong. all seems fine. can give use result of following command: git remote -v moreover if ssh key trying use not id_rsa may have other problems. (i have leave comment have not 50 points needed)

Team Foundation Server online using SQL Server Manager Studio 2014? -

i'm using tfs online , works great visual studio 2013. i'm developing against sql server 2014 , want able push sql backups , sql code it. i've created folder on c: called db_backups , save sql db backups there (naturally). in visual studio 2013 i've added new folder project , added (an existing item) dbbackup.bak . able push tfs through project , visual studio. however, when ran sql server backup again, overwriting previous backup, change wasn't caught in visual studio. how can integrate sql stuff tfs?

Migrate MySQL to PostgreSql and share tables -

i want use pgsql in new proyect, have old tables need use. best way share tables between both databases? there way of synchronizing several tables between databases? you can use sqlways convert t/sql stored procedure, function, trigger, database schema (ddl) , data microsoft sql server postgresql. see link : migrate mysql postgresql or full convert 6.4 you can find more solutions @ database administrator or serverfault. see this: dba administrator

lotus domino - How to test that agent is running In Debug? -

is there way know agent in running in debug mode (tools/debug lotusscript has been activated) ? i found nothing in notesagent class, runonserver runindebugger. i need avoid using progress bar function located in nnotesws.dll, pops on debugger , prohib click (step into, or watching variables). btw if occurs still can press f8 / f5, @ least not kill notes. there example doing in openntf. can find here . and in fact progress bar, can use tho whole class there. the trick is: add function stop statement. measure time before stop statement , after. if time passed bigger 100ms, user had click on "continue", never manages in such small amount of time. if debugger not enabled, stop ignored - no delay... here function used in linked openntf article: public function isdebugmode() boolean dim start variant start = getthreadinfo(6) ' lsi_thread_ticks stop if getthreadinfo(6) - start > 100 isdebugmode = true ' if debug application not able pres...

Javascript : callback is not a function -

i using vanilla javascript making ajax call apis. below code calling on click of simple button: getuserbyuserid : function (callback){ var userid = localstorage.getitem('userid'); var userapiurl = ""+userid; var xmlhttp = micropaywall.getajaxinstance(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readystate == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) { var response = json.parse(xmlhttp.responsetext); callback(xmlhttp.responsetext); console.log(response); console.log(xmlhttp.responsetext); } };"get", userapiurl, true); xmlhttp.send(null); } but "callback not function" @ line callback(xmlhttp.responsetext); below callback function : getuserbyuseridcallback : function(response){ if(response != "") ...

performance - Elasticsearch - many small documents vs fewer large documents? -

i'm creating search image system(similar google's reverse image search) cataloging system used internally @ co.. we've been using elasticsearch success our regular search functionality, i'm planning on hashing our images, creating separate index them, , using searching. there many items in system , each item may have multiple images associated it, , item should able find-able reverse image searching of related images. there 2 possible schema we've thought of: making document each image, containing hash of image , item id related to. result in ~7m documents, small since contain single hash , id. making document each item, , storing hashes of images associated in array on document. result in around ~100k documents, each document large, items have hundreds of images associated them. which of these schema more performant? having attended recent under hood talk alexander reelsen, "it depends" , "benchmark it". as @science_ficti...

java - How do i convert array into arraylist and make changes to it that will be reflect in the array? -

i want convert array arraylist.but don't want make new copy of array.i want arraylist reference of array. for e.g var arr[] = {"abc","def","ghi"} list templist = new arraylist(); for(string val:arr){ templist.add(val) } for(iterator iterator= templist.listiterator();templist.hasnext()){ string temp =; if(temp == "def"){ templist.remove(temp); } } arr = templist.toarray(templist.size()); now test example of want .and here fist manipulating list converting array ,then replacing "arr" new array list. possible if remove value templist gets removed arr value reference? you can achieve arrays.aslist if don't add or remove elements list. using arrays.aslist(arr) give list backed array. you'll able change elements stored in list (by calling set(int index, e element) ), , have changes reflected in array. can't add or remove elements, since array has fixed length. /** *...

Google Place API street type list -

i using google place retrieve address, , somehow want street(route in google terminology) separated street name , street type. want street type match existing column in database. things difficult when google place use xxxx street , times xxxx st instance, typical google address { administrative_area_level_1: ['short_name', 'vic'], locality: ['long_name', 'carlton'], postal_code: ['long_name', '3053'], route: ['long_name', 'canada ln'], street_number: ['short_name', '12'], subpremise: ['short_name', '13'] } but shows canada lane in suggestion box. and worse when abbreviation not match local data model. instance use la instead of ln short of lane. appreciated if tell me find list of street type (and abbreviation) used google api. or there way disable abbreviation option? sounds you're after "street suffixes". these complicated. ... - Gridview DataKeyName -

i used code retrieve each row datakey : foreach (gridviewrow row in gv.rows) { string id = gv.datakeys[row.rowindex].value.tostring(); response.write(id ); } but gridview datakeynames in client code? gridview's datakeys not rendered client side way viewstate rendered client side in hidden field , neither way scripts added page webresource.axd etc.. you need add key values yourself. why not try encrypting , adding datakeys separately hidden field in markup, in case if that's requirement ( example ). or can add datakeys viewstate too.

Trying to infinitely loop a complex css animation (border runs around edge of a circle) -

i'm trying create infinite animation new stroke around circle runs around circumference. stroke blue, when reaches 360 degrees, appears disappear in same direction. essentially, similar animation running on group of elements in colors reversed. i'd have loop infinitely loading state. right can described behavior run once. i'm stuck on having loop, meaning blue border returns again after disappears , on. snippet included demo - body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } .outer, .inner, .cover { border-radius: 50%; height: 200px; width: 200px; box-sizing: border-box; } .outer { background: linear-gradient(to right, transparent 0%, transparent 50%, #7db9e8 50%, #7db9e8 100%); position: absolute; top: 0; } .outer.opp { background: linear-gradient(to right, #7db9e8 0%, #7db9e8 50%, transparent 50%, transparent 100%); } .inner { background: linear-gradient(to right, transparent 0%, transparent 50%, #ccc 50%, #ccc 100%); padding...

mysql - How to convert a SQL query into hibernate criteria? -

select th.`id`,th.`type`,th.`url_label`,url.`url`,count(th.`id`) `threat` th left join `threat_url` url on th.`id`= url.`threat_id` th.enterprise_id=1816 , th.`status` != 'deleted' group th.`id` order count(th.`id`) desc ;

c# - How to set a borderless button which changes its color when mouse hovering in WPF -

i want override button's style borderless grayish button highlights when hover on. i wrote below: if remove template section (i have no idea of do), button have border if have set borderthickness 0. if keep template section, button not change background color @ all. so can keep both features , why xaml won't work? btw, can find full list of properties/triggers can set type of control button? <style targettype="{x:type button}"> <setter property="snapstodevicepixels" value="true"/> <setter property="background" value="{staticresource titlebrush}" /> <setter property="foreground" value="{staticresource whitetextbrush}"/> <setter property="borderthickness" value="0"/> <setter property="template"> <setter.value> <controltemplate targettype="{x:type but...

ios - Controls are not displaying in simulator when moving from one viewcontroller to other viewcontroller with navigationcontroller -

i placed embedded navigationcontroller @ start of mainviewcontroller(login) , added other viewcontroller(home). in login view controller have button when click on button should move homeviewcontroller, have written code in button redirecting homeview having issues 1)simulator displaying black page,if set background color white displaying white 2)labels,textboxes etc other fields drag , dropped home view not displaying.but if write code generate label or textbox displaying. i have added constraints label(ex: welcome) label wasn't displaying ,not label other static fields not displaying if generate through code label or textbox displaying. when remove navigationcontroller there no issues. hope answer question.please me in issue. in advance for buttonclick have written code below , in homeviewcontroller have drag , dropped label,textbox,button none of these displaying (ibaction)btnlogin:(id)sender { homeviewcontroller *destinationcontroller = [[hom...

java - Jar created through eclipse on windows is Working but Getting failed on linux -

i created jar file includes dependencies of jsoup library . working fine in system when put on linux machine still displaying o/p after displaying below error. # # fatal error has been detected java runtime environment: # # sigsegv (0xb) @ pc=0x0000003d3a26a040, pid=31443, tid=140607474837248 # # jre version: openjdk runtime environment (7.0_55-b13) (build 1.7.0_55-mockbuild_2014_04_09_11_51-b00) # java vm: openjdk 64-bit server vm (24.51-b03 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops) # problematic frame: # c 0x0000003d3a26a040 # sigsev means program producing called segmentation fault signal description sigsegv, sigbus, sigfpe, sigpipe, sigill -- used in implementation implicit null check, , forth. most of segmentation fault error have seen reported on linux machines running openjdk . if can please install oracle jdk on machine , see if works. if cannot install oracle jdk first enable core dump . to enable core dump use "ulimit -c unlimited" pleas...

Best way to autoplay video with Youtube iFrame API?... autoplay parameter vs onReady -

from youtube iframe api documentation there seems 2 different ways autoplay video. 1 way function or affect youtube player differently other? method 1: set autoplay parameter '1' within player options when define new youtube player. method 2: wait until 'onready' event fires, , specifically: function onplayerready(event) {; } Cloud Code: OutOfMemoryError when rendering big JSON -

i'm using's hosting service testing server. got outofmemoryerror when requested test data my source code below (part of app.js). each file 1.5 mbyte json file. there ways fix it? if use smaller file 20kbyte, downloading no problem. thanks, [app.js] app.get('/sample.php', auth, function(req, res) { if (req.query.index == 0) { res.render('sample_0', {}); } else if (req.query.index == 1) { res.render('sample_1', {}); } else if (req.query.index == 2) { res.render('sample_2', {}); } else if (req.query.index == 3) { res.render('sample_3', {}); } else { res.json([]); } });

sql server - SQL Query to loop through AD OUs and get a count of objects -

i'm trying produce report has count of computer objects within many, many ad ous sql server can join other data in sql db , create report ssrs. i've figured out how single ou (which represents physical site location unique code in situation) need able ous in directory. this query result 1 single ou. ideas? declare @sitecode int set @sitecode = 1234 declare @region nvarchar(100) set @region = ( select top 1 regionname tbl_adsiteinfo sitecode = @sitecode ) declare @sitename nvarchar(250) set @sitename = ( select top 1 sitename tbl_adsiteinfo sitecode = @sitecode ) declare @sql nvarchar(1000...

javascript - How to post json data to a php script with $ -

i've been having problem while , tried many solutions haven't worked. trying use $ send json data php script named processcustomers.php part of api the post request is angular.extend(obj, {id: id}); $http({ method: 'post', url: '../api/processcustomers.php', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, datatype: 'json', data: obj }).success(function (data) { console.log(data); }); }; and processcustomers is $newcustomers = filter_has_var(input_post, 'newcustomer'); if ($newcustomers) {#request add new customer $exceptionalfields = ['customerid']; // $customersjson = json_decode(filter_input(input_post, "newcustomer")); if (json_last_error() > 0) { echo dotcom::systemfeedback("sorry customer not created unknown error", "data sent not json object", 303); return; } foreach ($customersjson $key =...

javascript - Replaced string shows the tag in window -

i replaced part of div (that content editable) tagged word. instead of showing content of new word, shows tags well. here's original content of div: this inside <div> tag, , i'd replace [[var12]] this how i'd look: this inside <div> tag, , i'd replace var12 however, ends looking this: this inside <div> tag, , i'd replace <span>var12</span> this code used: var pattern = new regexp("\\[\\[var[0-9]*\\]\\]") if ($(this).text().match(pattern)) { var match = $(this).text().match(pattern); var num = match.tostring().match(/[0-9]+/); var tagged = '<span class="variable">var ' + num + '</span>'; $(this).text($(this).text().replace(pattern, tagged)); } it looks because you've told escape html using .text() . if want insert html, can use .html() . $(this).html($(this).text().replace(pattern, tagged)); from .text() docs : we n...

javascript - Dynamic Iframe + Loading Image -

i have loading image appears while page loads, how can show loading image when dynamic elements created , loaded? such frame button creates new iframe element. thanks. $(window).load(function () { $(".loader").fadeout("slow"); }); function createframe() { var frame = document.createelement("iframe"); = "frame2"; frame.src = ""; frame.height = "400px"; frame.width = "400px"; document.getelementbyid("content").appendchild(frame); } .loader{ position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 9999; background-image: url(""); background-color: black; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: auto; } <html> <head> <script src="//

multiple dispatch - Overloading a function in two files (in Julia) -

i'm gonna explain problem on minimal example. let's have 3 files: a.jl module export atype, f type atype end f = function(x::atype) println("f called a") end end #module b.jl module b export btype, f type btype end f = function(x::btype) println("f called b") end end #module main.jl using using b main = function() x = atype() f(x) end main() here have 2 versions of f function. if understand idea of multiple dispatch correctly, should deducted during runtime version should used. hence, expected running main.jl print f called a . unfortunately, get $ julia main.jl error: type: anonymous: in typeassert, expected btype, got atype in include @ /usr/bin/../lib64/julia/ in process_options @ /usr/bin/../lib64/julia/ in _start @ /usr/bin/../lib64/julia/ while loading /home/grzes/julia_sucks/main.jl, in expression starting on line 9 if comment out using b , works fine. clearly, f b.jl overw...

php - How to create a csv file without the table elements inserted in the file -

i have code works fine prints out table elements. don't know how fix it. thanks <?php // output headers file downloaded rather displayed header('content-type: text/csv; charset=utf-8'); header('content-disposition: attachment; filename=deferred_doc.csv'); // create file pointer connected output stream $output = fopen('php://output', 'w'); // output column headings fputcsv($output, array('app number', 'spoc assigned', 'borrower name', 'app_finish_date','developer & project', 'collateral address details' ,'original_deadline', 'deferred type','deferred_document','spoc remarks', 'juw-ma remarks', 'cosu remarks','file location','smu notes','date completed','submitted/pending','id')); // fetch data mysql_connect('xxxx', 'xxxx', 'xxx'); mysql_se...

Sweet alert in an AsyncTask Android -

i'm trying put sweet alert of library , works perfect, not in asynctask . my onpostexcute: protected void onpostexecute(string result) { super.onpostexecute(result); if(!pattern.compile("0").matcher(msj).find()) { toast.maketext(ctx, "¡ya tienes una reserva para este viaje!", toast.length_short).show(); }else if(pattern.compile("200").matcher(msj).find()) { sweetalertdialog swt = new sweetalertdialog(ctx, sweetalertdialog.warning_type) .settitletext("todas las plazas ocupadas") .setcontenttext("¿desea entrar en la lista de espera? será avisado en cuanto haya una plaza") .setcanceltext("no") .setconfirmtext("si") .showcancelbutton(true) .setcancelclicklistener(new sweetalertdialog.onsweetclicklistener() { ...

css - How to format a button with in Form tag, html? -

i adding button link page using following method: <td> <form method="link" action="page2.html"> <input type="submit" value="to page 2"> </form> </td> i understand can change appearances of button using button{...} in css, if button in form tag above, how format it? help. form has no method="link" , don't need form go page. use a : <a href="page2.html">to page 2</a> or if want button: <button onclick="javascript:window.location.href='page2.html';">to page 2</button> and give id <button id="btn" ... can give style want: <style type="text/css"> #btn { background-color: green; color: white; font-weight: bold; /* etc */ } </style>

android - Image not loading in the imageview from the url -

i trying set bitmap imageview using url in following way : - inputstream in = new; image = bitmapfactory.decodestream(in); in.close(); when image tomcat server using url : - this works totally . the problem , when set url of image other website - then no image being set on imageview. i tried using ip address instead of domain name , still no luck. do need set port number ? in case of loading image server ? if yes , port number should use ? i try 2 things: check if device on same net server because seems local ip have tried execute code on main thread. in android, changes have executed in main thread, if getting web image (executing asynk taksk). can try this: runonuithread(new runnable() { @override public void run() { image = bitmapfactory.decodestream(in); ...

css3 - create an adaptive quadrilateral trapezoid in css -

is possible create image shapes in css? i've googled more i'd admit on last week without finding solution. i have been able semi-replicate haven't gotten requirements worked out. have border be responsive adapt content height (in cms don't have control on amount of text) work in ie9 it needs adapt content height , responsive. one attempt used multiple clip-paths fails in ie. jsfiddle <div class="clip-block"> <div class="clip-wrap"> <p class="clip-css">lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p> </div> </div> .clip-wrap { display: inline-block; clip-path: polygon(0 22%, 120% 0, 120% 100%, 0 78%); } another attempt tried using svg clip (it works in ie fails in other requirements (eg. content within shape)). another jsfiddle <svg class="svg-defs"> <defs> <clippath id="clipping"> <polygon points=...

php - Wordpress login redirect user based on language -

i have multilanguage wordpress membership site, s2member , wpml plugins. an example login page in portuguese is: i want redirect users after login portuguese welcome page, , not default welcome page english. is there way add parameter login page in wordpress? if so, how can access parameter redirect? took me while how solved it. i have field in database language of each user. i added functions.php: add_action( 'wp', 'analyze_form_submit' ); function analyze_form_submit() { global $current_user; if (is_page(86)) { // 86 welcome page after login in case $affil_id = $current_user->user_login; $query="select lang affil affil_id=:affil_id"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($query); $stmt->bindparam(':affil_id', $affil_id, pdo::param_str); $stmt->execute(); $row = $stmt->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc); $redirect = "http://exampl...

JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example -

var funcs = []; (var = 0; < 3; i++) { // let's create 3 functions funcs[i] = function() { // , store them in funcs console.log("my value: " + i); // each should log value. }; } (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // , let's run each 1 see } it outputs this: my value: 3 value: 3 value: 3 whereas i'd output: my value: 0 value: 1 value: 2 what's solution basic problem? well, problem variable i , within each of anonymous functions, bound same variable outside of function. what want bind variable within each function separate, unchanging value outside of function: var funcs = []; function createfunc(i) { return function() { console.log("my value: " + i); }; } (var = 0; < 3; i++) { funcs[i] = createfunc(i); } (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { funcs[j](); // , let's run each 1 see } ...

HTML <p> tags not changing in Javascript -

so making project solve triangles based on user input. using chrome dev editor in order make chrome app. having trouble getting code work though. right now, testing see if change paragraph when button clicked. here piece causing me trouble: function degtorad(num) { if (num === undefined) { return; } return math.pi * num / 180; } function init() { var text = document.queryselector("#form1"); sidea = text.elements[0].value; sideb = text.elements[1].value; sidec = text.elements[2].value; anglea = degtorad(text.elements[3].value); angleb = degtorad(text.elements[4].value); anglec = degtorad(text.elements[5].value); whatwegot(); } //determine algorithm go , run function whatwegot() { if (anglea === undefined && angleb === undefined && anglec === undefined) { algsss(); } else if (sidec === undefined && angleb === undefined && anglec === undefined) { algssa(); } else if (sideb === undefined && sidec =...

playframework - Different sbt-web pipeline task settings in development vs production? -

i sbt setting have different value when running in development ( sbt run ) production ( sbt dist / sbt start ). specifically using sbt-uglify . use in development concatenate javascript assets 1 file. have compression , mangling disabled in development because makes code more difficult debug. in production use compression in order remove blocks of debug code ( if (debug) { ... } ) possible using dead code removal features of uglifyjs. i expected work: // "in assets" use uglify in dev & prod pipelinestages in assets := seq(uglify) // enable compression , mangling in prod uglifykeys.compress := true uglifykeys.mangle := true // disable in development (doesn't work! values true) uglifykeys.compress in assets := false uglifykeys.mangle in assets := false i ended doing this def optimize = system.getproperty("optimize") != null uglifykeys.compress := optimize uglifykeys.mangle := optimize then can run sbt dist -j-doptimize

postgresql - How to configure Slick 3.0.0 for Postgres DB (either with Hikari or without) Typesafe Play conf -

i have test app works fine h2 in-memory database. i'm trying connect our real database. i'm either getting internal slick exception, or "no suitable driver" exception, depending on approach: here's simple test (which, again, seems work fine in-memory): "the glimple data model classes" should { "insert glimple row in database" in { val db = database.forconfig("db.edb") // works on db.h2mem1 val glimples = tablequery[gpglimplemodel] val insertglimples = += gpglimple(none, none, 1, true, true, 1)) val count = await.result(insertglimples, duration.inf) println(count) count must beequalto(1) ... if turn on connection pool, noted here: db.edb = { driver = org.postgresql.driver url = "jdbc:postgresql://" user = "xxx" // masked protect innocent password = "xxx" // masked protec...

teamcity - Spring-boot : how to execute multiple test classes by just starting the service once using rest-assured -

i writing spring-boot tests using rest-assured , these annotations on test class - java class 1: @runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @springapplicationconfiguration(classes = applicationservice.class) @webappconfiguration @integrationtest("server.port:8083") public class mytestclass{ } java class 2: @runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @springapplicationconfiguration(classes = applicationservice.class) @webappconfiguration @integrationtest("server.port:8083") public class mytestanotherclass{ } question here , if have execute both java classes on teamcity 1 after other in form of executing integration tests,then there way can have annotation in 1 class once service , running tests can execute or there no way , have put annotations in classes? actually, can you can using inheritance: class configuration @runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) @springapplicationconfiguration(classes = applicationservice.class) @webappconfiguration @i...

sql - Need to View/Convert .bak file contents -

i've got .bak file hr software used use , have been asked review contents. i've never done before, i've pieced things research. far, i've installed sql server 2008 r2 w/ management studio , managed restore database .bak file. i've got in there, don't know i'm looking at, how data in viewable format, export .sql, .csv or anything. not sure next step view in understandable format. need push in right direction. with knowledge databases, suggest follow following steps extract table excel from object explorer, open databases clicking plus sign on databases folder you see many databases. click plus sign of them. open folder called tables, see data tables in database. click on ctlr + n database name selected. a query editor open. type select * tablename . need replace tablename name of table want explore. click f5 . display data in grid @ bottom. right click on top left of data see , click on copy header. go excel sheet , paste data. ...

android How do I determine which permission(s) block my app from Google store? -

my app not searchable nexus 7. suspect because of 1 or more permissions have set in manifest, available , downloads fine on phones. i can go through cumbersome trial-and-error process of eliminating permissions , posting alpha site, waiting google propagate apk, , trying download. after several tries, should able determine cause. is there easier way? thanks. when user searches or browses apps download on google play, results filtered based on applications compatible device. filtering in google play based on several types of app metadata , configuration settings, including manifest declarations, required libraries,architecture dependencies, , distribution controls set in google play developer console, such geographic targeting, pricing, , more. for more detailed information, see docs .

Reproduce a C function pointer array in Python -

i have python program asking user input shell, , if detect specific keywords want go inside specific functions. the thing avoid doing lot of if , else if . in c avoid situation use function pointer array travel while , use strcmp check input. i know how in python if possible. in python use dictionary . example: keyword2func = { "word1": function_word1, "word2": function_word2, } word = input("") keyword2func[word]()

How to create a custom tab icon in a Salesforce Managed Package -

does know how create custom icon managed package in salesforce. see how create custom icon custom object tab stored in "my personal documents" not allow image part of managed package. doable? yes doable. create new folder , put icon in custom folder. can add package (actually add folder automatically if add tab).

haskell - How should the general type of a "lemma" function be understood? -

perhaps stupid question. here's quote the hasochism paper : one approach resolving issue encode lemmas, given parameterised equations, haskell functions. in general, such lemmas may encoded functions of type: ∀ x1 ... xn. natty x1 → ... → natty xn → ((l ~ r) ⇒ t) → t i thought understood rankntypes , can't make sense of last part of proposition. i'm reading informally "given term requires l ~ r , return term". i'm sure interpretation wrong because seems lead circularity: don't know l ~ r until conclusion of proof itself, how can expected provide assumption of proof term requires that? i have expected equality proof have type more this: natty x1 → ... → natty xn → l :~: r informally, "given bunch of natty s, return proof propositions l , r equal" (using ghc's data.type.equality ). makes far more sense me, , seems align you'd in other dependently typed systems. i'm guessing it's equivalent version in pape...